Your Taxpayer Rights When Dealing With the IRS

What are my taxpayer rights?

Dealing with the IRS can be a long, complicated, and confusing process. To make the process a little easier, you must know your rights as a taxpayer. The IRS adopted the Bill of Rights for taxpayers. Stay with me as you find out these taxpayer rights and what they mean.

The Right to Be Informed

Taxpayers have the right to know what’s needed to comply with the tax laws. They are also entitled to clear explanations concerning the laws and IRS procedures. If you receive a notice from the IRS, they must explain the reason for contacting you and answer any queries you have.

The Right to Quality Service

Every taxpayer has the right to receive swift, respectful and professional assistance while dealing with the IRS. They should speak to you in a way you understand and receive understandable communication from the IRS. Additionally, you can speak to a supervisor if you aren't content with the service you receive.

The Right to Pay Only the Right Tax Amount

Taxpayers should only pay the legally due tax payment, including any interest and penalties. The IRS needs to account for all tax payments properly for all individuals.

The Right to Challenge the IRS's Position and Be Heard

A taxpayer has the right to raise any objections and provide substantial and relevant documentation in response to IRS actions or proposed actions. It is also their right that the IRS considers these objections and provides documentation swiftly and fairly. The taxpayer should also receive a response if the IRS does not agree with the position.

The Right to Appeal IRS Decisions in an Independent Forum

Taxpayers reserve the right to appeal most IRS decisions when in disagreement. However, they also have the right to take the tax case to court for further ruling.

The Right to Finality

Taxpayers reserve the right to know the maximum time they have to challenge the IRS position. Also, they have a right to know the maximum time frame the IRS has to collect a tax debt or audit a particular tax year and when the IRS finishes an audit.

The Right to Privacy

Taxpayers reserve the right to expect that any interaction with the IRS will comply with the law and not be more intrusive than needed. However, the IRS should respect all other rights you deserve, including a collection due process hearing.

The Right to Confidentiality

A taxpayer reserves the right to expect that any information provided to the IRS won't be disclosed unless authorized by the taxpayer or the law. The law should take action against any individual who does the contrary.

The Right to Retain Representation

Taxpayers have the right to hire an authorized representative to assist in dealing with the IRS. They also have the right to seek assistance from the Low-Income Taxpayer clinic if they can't afford to hire a representative.

The Right to have a Just and Fair Tax System

A taxpayer has the right to expect that the IRS will consider all facts and circumstances provided that may affect the ability to pay.

Final Thoughts

Every taxpayer needs to know their rights while dealing with the IRS. However, you should seek assistance from a licensed Enrolled Agent or tax attorney to provide guidance or representation.

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